Cloud Computing

The use of remote network servers hosted on the internet to store, manage, and process data, rather than using a local server or a personal computer.

Arabic Translation:
حوسبة سحابية

Cochlear Implants

CI for short. It is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person with moderate to profound sensorineural hearing loss.


Arabic Translation:
زراعة القوقعة

Color Contrast Checker

The color contrast checker is an automated tool used to measure the color contrast of a screen or printed designs. High values indicate a better contrast and as such are more accessible to people with visual impairments such as low vision. Low values indicate that the contrast is low, making the design generally inaccessible to people with visual impairments.


Arabic Translation:
مدقق تباين الألوان

Color Identifier

Devices or software that allow users without color perception (e.g. color blindness) to identify colors accurately.


Arabic Translation:
معرف اللون

Communication Aids

A tool, device or application that helps an individual to effectively communicate with others. This could range from a simple letter board to high-tech electronic equipment.


Arabic Translation:
مساعِدات التواصل

Communication Symbol Sets

Sets of different picture symbols comprising of photographs, graphics, clip art, or line drawings used to represent a word or idea (e.g. Tawasol Symbols, Picture Communication Symbols, PicSyms, DynaSyms, and Minspeak symbols).


Arabic Translation:
مجموعات رموز التواصل