Service that provides a translation of spoken language into an accessible language like sign language, oral interpretation or computer-aided transcription, such as CART (Computer Assisted Realtime Transcription).
Arabic Translation:
خدمات الترجمة للصم أو ضعاف السمع
These are considered the physical components of ICT and include computers, telephones, etc.
Arabic Translation:
An unspaced phrase prefixed with the “#” symbol appended to a post (usually in social media platforms) that help identify the related context and groups of the message topic.
Arabic Translation:
Impairment of the sense of hearing.
Hearing Impaired is a technically accurate description of someone who is hard of hearing or who has no hearing … however, many Deaf, hard of hearing and late-deafened people prefer not to be called impaired. They don’t want to be primarily defined by their lack of (or poor) hearing.
Arabic Translation:
اعاقات سمعية
Unique name of a computer on the Internet, which is normally written as a series of letters, for example, and is an alias of the IP Address.
Arabic Translation:
اسم المضيف
Also called Keyboard Shortcuts. It is a finite set of one or more keys that invoke a software or operating system operation when triggered by the user.
Arabic Translation:
اختصارات لوحة المفاتيح
Hypertext Mark-Up Language
Arabic Translation:
اتش تي ام ال “HTML”
The bit of code that describes how that particular piece of the web page it is on is formatted where typical tags specify things like headings, paragraphs, links, and a variety of other items.
Arabic Translation:
وسم HTML
It is the fifth revision of the HTML standard and, as of December 2012, is a candidate recommendation of W3C. Its core aims have been to improve the language with support for the latest multimedia while keeping it easily readable by humans and consistently understood by computers and devices”
Arabic Translation:
اتش تي ام ال5
Human-Computer interface is the median of communication between a human user and a computer system, referring in the specification to the use of input/output devices with the help of software interface.
Arabic Translation:
واجهة تفاعلية بين الإنسان والحاسوب