Accessories that can be attached to pens and pencils to help students modify their grasp when writing and facilitate optimal grip.
Arabic Translation:
مساعِدات مسك الأقلام
Accessories that can be attached to pens and pencils to help students modify their grasp when writing and facilitate optimal grip.
Arabic Translation:
مساعِدات مسك الأقلام
Permanent Disability means inability, because of any physical or mental impairment, to substantially perform the significant aspects of his regular duties which inability has lasted for some time and is expected to be permanent.
Arabic Translation:
إعاقة دائمة
A condition that substantially limits one or more basic physical activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, reaching, lifting, or carrying.
Arabic Translation:
اعاقات حركية
The use of a combination of pictures/symbols with text to provide visual supports for an activity (e.g. sequencing tasks, steps in a job, behavior management, or reading/vocabulary supports).
Arabic Translation:
صور توضيحية
An Augmentative Alternative Communication System using picture symbols for users with autism and/or other profound communication impairments.
Arabic Translation:
نظام تواصل بالصور
Computer/Tablet application that pairs picture symbols with printed text above each other to represent words and sentences (e.g. pictures/symbols are inserted above/below the text as the words are typed to create picture stories, schedules, and/or adapt books).
Arabic Translation:
معالج النصوص بالصور التوضيحية
A wand commonly strapped to the head or chin designed to perform keyboard strokes (for typing).
Arabic Translation:
مساعِدات التأشير والكتابة
Handheld digital dictionaries that read out loud the word entered (using text-to-speech) and/or the definition of the word.
Arabic Translation:
قاموس محمول ناطق
Type of computer-aided technology that can order words and symbols in an accessible way in which the language used will be organized into relevant categories and create naturally occurring communication sequences.
Arabic Translation:
الآلية الديناميكية لترتيب سياق التواصل
A predictive approach based on the frequency with which certain letters follow others.
Arabic Translation:
مسح تنبؤي