A set of demonstratable characteristics and skills that enable and improve the efficiency and the performance of the user.
Arabic Translation:
A set of demonstratable characteristics and skills that enable and improve the efficiency and the performance of the user.
Arabic Translation:
Built-in customizable features within a computer operating system that make the computer easier to use by people with disabilities. For example, this includes the ability to aid users with visual, motor, and hearing difficulties with features like a screen reader, changing color combinations, text or icon size, on-screen keyboard, customizing mouse features, changing volume, visual notifications, and text captions.
Arabic Translation:
ميزات نفاذ الكمبيوتر
Computer vision is a field of computer science that works on allowing computers to perceive, distinguish and process images in the same way as the human imagination does, and then provide suitable output.
Arabic Translation:
إدراك بصري حاسوبي
CVS for short. Describes a group of eye and vision related problems that result from prolonged computer, tablet and smartphone use.
Arabic Translation:
متلازمة النظر للحاسوب
A flat keyboard that contains a grid of buttons that can be programmed or customized for easier usage.
Arabic Translation:
مخطط لوحة مفاتيح
Information to be communicated to a suitable audience (e.g. website reader, device user, etc.) by means of an appropriate medium (e.g. magazine publication, website, technical user guide, etc.).
Arabic Translation:
CMS for short. A backend tool for managing the content of a website (e.g. updating text, images, multimedia, etc.) through a user-friendly interface usually designed for non-technical users.
Arabic Translation:
نظام إدارة المحتوى
In AAC, an abbreviation approach where vowels are eliminated from words to shorten them.
Arabic Translation:
A list of words that are used most commonly in the expressive communication. These words are relevant across contexts and consist of 70% to 80% of what we say in daily bases.
Arabic Translation:
مفردات أساسية
Set of words/vocabulary that is needed to communicate essential messages. It is dependent on the individual basic communication needs of the AAC user.
Arabic Translation:
المفردات الخاصة بمستخدم التواصل المعزز والبديل