Open Source

Refers to the source code of a computer program made available to the general public that may be freely available for use, distribution, and modification.

Arabic Translation:
مفتوح المصدر

Operating System

A basic layer of software that controls computer hardware, allowing other applications to be built on it (e.g. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux).

Arabic Translation:
نظام تشغيل

Permanent Disability

Permanent Disability means inability, because of any physical or mental impairment, to substantially perform the significant aspects of his regular duties which inability has lasted for some time and is expected to be permanent.

Arabic Translation:
إعاقة دائمة

Picture Cues

The use of a combination of pictures/symbols with text to provide visual supports for an activity (e.g. sequencing tasks, steps in a job, behavior management, or reading/vocabulary supports).

Arabic Translation:
صور توضيحية